Thursday, August 9, 2007

Wheres the Love?

The 15th annual Marcus Garvey Celebrations will be taken place in Toronto on August 17 & 18, 2007. The organizer Mr. Terry Brown a vetern in the Reggae scene in Canada, asked me last week (2 weeks before the event) to help them with PR for the event. Sure I say! I'm a sucker for cultural events, and for helping our community. Everything was fine from the night I verbally signed on Friday July 27th at 9PM!
Im very busy, yet I will help out where I can.. I say to the organizer. Meanwhile Mr. Brown has a list of work, respectfully so.. and a demanding tone to boot. I slightly felt like a factory worker, on a 5 PM deadline to make as many parts for an old automobile, that no one really wants to buy. Mr. Brown has been doing all the PR work for the apst 15 years on his own, so you'd think he may just know how to do it, or understand and have gratitude that someone is willing to help him at no cost.
After only a couple of days, after a Event Press Kit package, press releases & putting their event in event listings across Canada, Mr. Brown had the nerve to ask me (a publicist) for my MEDIA LIST! .. *laughs hysterically* If you are reading this post, you understand that a media list is the being of my existence in this industry. I guess he figured I was still the young student he met years ago, organizing and handling the biggest black history event in Canada on that day.

After debating if I should continue, because of his constant demands and my already busy schedule, I decided to discontinue, but thank him for asking me.

Mr. Brown wasn't having it! In fact, he got someone to call me.. just so he can HANG UP! ..

If your reading this Mr. Terry Brown, thanks for the gratitude and the respect..
I've freed my time up so I can handle the Afrivillage Fest, the following week..
August 25th & 27th. visit:

OR check out Mr. Brown's website at:

~ Tiffany Ford~

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