Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is It Always about Publicity?

I was watching Oprah today and singer Sinead O'Connor was on, talking about her bi-polar disorder (which is quite common). I started to remember all of her interesting newsworthy appeal in the past, and her music..

Remember this huge "uproar" on SNL, when the singer ripped up a picture of the POPE? That will forever remain a classic "publicity stunt".. but was it really?

The media is the medium in which we can express our opinions right? I think personally Ms. O'Connor had a serious concern, which some individuals share.. and because its the pope.. it will always be censored in any fourm of debate.. usually.. O'Connor might have been one of our modern day "trend-setter" of so-called publicity stunts.. Its clear now, she wasn't doing it necessarily to increase sales (It may have hurt her sales actually). but to get her ideology out.. and to denounce the real racism in society.

Check out Sinead O'Connor doing her thang.. " War"

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