So, lately I have been engorging myself on the hip hop magazine market. The Source, XXL, Vibe…you name it, I’ve been reading it. Now personally, I don’t understand what the fuss is about any of these magazines because it’s very light on the content BUT heavy on the T&A (yes, that kind) and of course the advertising. I realize that advertising is what sells magazines NOT subscriptions but some days I wonder if the companies have just an excess of money to throw around at rather, pathetic efforts of visuals in order to sell us a product, service or lifestyle. Yet, stemming from the chaos, there still is some sliver of hope amongst the heap; so here is my opinion on two campaigns that have caught my eye.
1. Kelis for Ford Urban
I personally LOVE Kelis, not for her looks or her music but for everything she embodies as an artist. Just for that simple fact, which is so easily conveyed in this advertisement. She is bold, brazen, fierce and her own creation. So wouldn’t it make sense for Ford to use her as a vehicle (no pun intended) for the launch of Ford Urban. They want you to remember their car as much as they ad and pairing it with someone as unique as Kelis, I think they hit the target.
2. Fall 2007 Ad Series for Rocawear
I’m personally not much of a fan of Rocawear or it’s clothes but I do admire the originality and creativity of their fall advertising. Displaying multiple artists across a plethora of genres (this one being Tocarra – a full sized model), they showcase each in a couple of poses wearing clothes from the company amidst a backdrop of words, some highlighted for effect that one could assume came from the person shown. I love this campaign; it’s urban and artsy. I love the subtlety of the backdrop and how certain words are accentuated but they all flow seamlessly together as your eye wanders around the page. With the muse for that particular piece wearing muted colors or an outfit that doesn’t take away from the overall picture but instead, adds to it. It not only showcases the new clothing line but also gives a brief glimpse into what drove that particular person to their new destination. Very, inspiring it hits the mark.
Now, of course there are the bad, borderline hideous advertisements but I don’t want to overload the senses all at once. I would like to start off on a positive note after all. We will see what the next article will bring.
Until then…
~ Cynthia Wright
Advertising Director
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