Friday, September 14, 2007

Does Rihanna Have a Long Time Girlfriend?

Okay, so I wasn't aware of this old rumor, but as I was reading my new favourite blogger SANDRA I saw the post that Rihanna has been rumored to be a lesbian for quite a time, then I saw the picture of her and her assistant "Melissa", who is scene everywhere with her. Being an assistant, is another term for person to cater to your needs at all times.. In my opinion. Usually, assistants are lovers with the artist, because they got to be around them 24/7. So I checked into digging up pictures of Rihanna and her BFF/ASSISTANT.. and DAYUM THERES A BILLION.. and every pic that I see of them, they are all cozy and holding hands.. I mean theres nothing wrong with friends holding hands etc.. but theres just this other concept of Rihanna never being linked to any males, but she could be focused on her career.. and Jay Z may just have her on lock.. but what do yall think?

Also.. check that fact that rhianna is sporting a ring on her "wedding finger".. thats such an Ellen type of thing to do..

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