Monday, July 16, 2007

The Power of the Medium..

It seems as though celebrities want to do the most outrageous things to generate great ratings, but at what or shall I rephrase the direction of my question whose expense? This is a very pertinent inquiry, because these shows, movies, images are being disseminated into the households all over the world, and everyone is trying to play the “Blame Game” instead of accepting accountability and acknowledging the repercussions of their actions. There are young impressionable minds that are absorbing the explicit lyrical content, implied sexual imagery, and the degradation of men and definitely women from their role models. Celebrities have to accept the fact that whether or not you want to be someone’s role model, when you step in front of the camera someone is identifying themselves with you. We have to arrive at a higher plateau of greater consciousness, and actively engage in the voices and images that are representing each ethnicity and our countries as a whole.

~ Marcia Brown

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