Thursday, October 16, 2014

Senator Don Meredith Endorses Tiffany Ford for TDSB Trustee in Wards 7 and 8

For Immediate Release

Senator Don Meredith Endorses Tiffany Ford for TDSB Trustee in Wards 7 and 8

Please watch the video of Senator Don Meredith's endorsement of Tiffany Ford.

About Senator Don Meredith
Senator Meredith was appointed to the Senate of Canada on December 18, 2010 by the Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

About Tiffany Ford:
Tiffany Ford is founder of Ford Global Group, which is the parent company of marketing communications firm entitled Ford Publicity. In 2014, Tiffany expanded her entrepreneurial portfolio and ventured into the telecom industry with Pepeyee Communications. Tiffany is also founder oBeyond 'at-Risk' , which aims to dismantle negative connotations associated with the term ‘at-risk’, by challenging and deconstructing harmful stereotypes to enhance meaningful programming for youth living in ‘high-priority’ neighbourhoods.

Learn more about Tiffany Ford's campaign:
Twitter: @TiffanyFordTO
Instagram: @Vote4Ford

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